Feed mills

Quality – Responsibility – Efficiency

Feed mills

Quality – Responsibility – Efficiency

Feed mills

High-quality feed production

The foundation stone for the Rothkötter Feed mills was laid by Franz Rothkötter in 1959. Rothkötter has since specialised in the production of pig and chicken feed for breeding and fattening. As part of the Rothkötter group with more than 4,500 employees, Rothkötter delivers products that are visually, sensorily and microbiologically flawless.

Today, our customer base includes over 1,000 family farms. In over 60 years of company history, we evolved into a competitive company with and through agriculture. Today, we still see ourselves first and foremost as a companion and partner to agriculture.

At home in the north

Over 4,500 employees

In our three highly efficient feed mills, we produce top-quality compound feed for optimised feed conversion and animal health. Thanks to our logistics involving our own fleet of vehicles and short distances, we can ensure fast and flexible delivery times.

Rothkötter Mischfutterwerk Versen

Founded in 1959 in Meppen-Versen, the Rothkötter compound feed plant now specialises in the production of pig and poultry feed.

The production capacity of all three Rothkötter compound feed plants is over 1,000,000 tonnes of compound feed per year. The feed is delivered by the company’s own fleet of trucks.

Rothkötter Mischfutterwerk Boizenburg

In addition to our two compound feed plants in Meppen-Versen and Haren-Eurohafen, our third compound feed plant in Boizenburg went into operation in 2018. At this plant we produce poultry compound feed for our agricultural customers from north-eastern Germany.

Rothkötter Mischfutterwerk Haren-Eurohafen

The second Rothkötter compound feed plant at the Eurohafen in Haren went into operation in 2009. It has direct access to water transport, which means that raw materials can also be delivered by ship and railway. The Rothkötter truck workshop is located in the immediate vicinity.

Werk Meppen-Versen

Werk Haren-Eurohafen

Werk Boizenburg


for pigs and poultry

Feed production is one of the most important components in pig and chicken farming. Thanks to our profound familiarity with the individual raw materials as well as their specific selection and processing, we are able to consider the most diverse needs of the animals: We always strive to produce the best nutritional physiological feed composition for the animals based on the latest scientific findings about animal nutrition and our extensive experience.

Chicken feed

Chicken feed

For our own integration, we offer high-quality chicken feed for parent stock and broilers at every stage of breeding lifecycle.
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Pig feed

Pig feed

We offer high quality pig feed for breeding and fattening.
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Our chicken fattening partnership

Successful together

We are looking for family farmers who want to be part of our success story and help us corner the chicken meat market.

We offer

  • Fattening methods aligned with the market demand
  • Intensive support and advice from trained specialists
  • Intensive fattening evaluation and passage analysis to optimise the fattening process
  • Active support for all audits on site by our specialist department
  • Direct contact for quality assurance through bundling feature

Your benefits

  • Fixed and competent contact person at your site
  • In-depth exchange to optimise your fattening processes
  • Short distances with little paperwork; unbureaucratic
  • Close production support; Rothkötter fattening community and mutual benefit fund

Feed orders

Our feed is quick and easy to order via our own app or website.

Rothkötter Barn app

With our barn app, you can document all relevant daily barn entries directly via smartphone. This means that all data is constantly updated and available to the fattener and the relevant field staff wherever they are.

Rothkötter has considered itself as a partner of modern agriculture since 1959. The Rothkötter compound feed plant specialises in the production of pig and chicken feed for breeding and fattening.